Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Worn - Illustration Friday

I gave myself the challenge of completing an Illustration Friday piece this week.  From this man's posture you can tell he's emotionally worn.  From what?  It's up for interpretation. 


Lifer said...

something to do with work probably...

nicely drawn

Cathy Anson said...

Pensive and very nicely done. Good shadowing.

Maria "Maybelle" Pineda said...

It looks so real. Good job!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous detail and color work--very impressive!

Joe LeDosquet said...

He's an out of work mime...tough economy for those strong silent types.

Laura D'Onofrio said...

is this part photograph part painting? Meaning did you take the photo and paint over it, or did you start completely with a blank canvas? The lines on his shirt look too real to be painted!! lol

Laura Wegkamp said...

Hey Laura! Yes, it's part photograph part painting. y not? You know you learn all the best tricks from me :)